Legal Services

Legal Services

I specialize in many aspects of family law:

Adoptive family


Adoption should be a wonderful experience…but the adoption process can be full of legal complications and red tape. Biological parents can change their minds. Immigration problems can get in the way.

Of all parts of the law I enjoy handling adoptions most of all…but I understand legal issues can make them stressful for adoptive parents. Let me help you avoid the potential problems so that you can enjoy your new family worry-free.


Divorce can be incredibly stressful.  So many things that have to be agreed on, such as:

Child custody, visitation and child support

Division of financial assets like bank accounts, stocks

Disposition of the family home (sale or ownership)

Spousal support

As your lawyer, my job is to protect your rights and make sure that you receive a fair share of the financial assets of the marriage…plus make sure that child support and custody issues are handled in everyone’s best interests.

I usually find that mediation and negotiation are the best way to handle a divorce…but if these don’t work I will continue to fight to protect your right to a fair settlement.

Prenpuptual agreement

Prenuptual Agreement

When you start a new life together, the last thing you think about is protecting yourself in case things don’t work out. I can help you draft premarital agreements that protect both of you in the event of a divorce.


Having an up-to-date will can make it easier on your loved ones when you pass away. Knowing that they are respecting your final wishes will help your family get through the grief process.

I can help you draft a new will or update your existing will so the disposition of your assets isn’t left up to the state to decide.

And when it’s time to put your will into effect…I can help your family with the probate process so everything goes smoothly at such a difficult time.

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